• September 8, 2024

A review of teenage girls through time

Jin, 17, is a girl who loves playing baseball and is always late for school, snatches pudding with her sister and fails math. She often makes embarrassing mistakes. For example, she makes a series of strange things in her experiment, which makes the whole lab turn upside down. Until one day when on duty and accidentally fall unexpectedly gained the ability to travel through time and space. Jin Gem didn’t believe her until she asked her aunt, who works on restoring ancient paintings. She said, “This kind of thing often happens at your age.” Now every day late Zhen Qin even early to school every day, say good morning to the students, the experiment never make a fool of itself, in the playground no longer have to worry about will be hit, every day can eat the favorite pudding, mother did not like breakfast can travel through time and space to last week to eat the mother did that favorite, He can even catch the weirdest ball perfectly when he plays baseball with his best friends, Kotuku and Chiaki… That’s a carefree life for a 17 year old girl…

But, but, young life carefree but also full of trouble Once after school after baseball, three best friends together to say goodbye, Qi an Zhao riding a bike to carry the true Qin home together. They are reflected in the evening clouds in the background, Zhen in selflessly open hands, head back, boyish bangs gently shaking in her head, she said, I want to stay together forever… At this time, Qi a Zhao in front, Mumu’s expression, hesitantly said, Zhen Qin, we communicate…… Zhen Qin didn’t know what to do. He opened his eyes and mouth wide… She’s doing her old trick of traveling through time again hoping to avoid this happening. But did not expect, thousands of Zhao will be with classmate’s friend’s pear together, and friend’s pear is always like thousands of Zhao. At this time, secretly love Gong Jibe Goo Sui mistakenly thought Zhen Qin is Gong Jibe’s girlfriend… To help solve her friend’s problems, Makoto keeps going back in time in the same way. She suddenly found that the number on his arm is the number of times through time and space, the number becomes less and less, at the same time she also found the secret of thousands of Zhao…… When the number on her arm finally turns to zero, Makoto breathes a deep sigh of relief, while Kotuku is driving his new girlfriend on her bicycle with faulty brakes. The downhill road reminds Makoto that she nearly died and that she was lucky enough to be able to travel and discover that the source of her ability to travel lies in the broken bicycle. Makoto turns around and runs after it. Zhen Qin knocked down the vegetable aunt on the roadside and knocked over someone. She was hit on the face by a shoe thrown from somewhere and turned over. She ran and cried and her cries echoed all the time. But tragedy still happened in the train coming and attack just hit the guardrail at that moment… At that moment, the world grew pale, time stood still… At this time, Qi a Zhao pushed the culprit’s bicycle, slowly came from the crowd, he gently said, Zhen Qin, you can travel through time and space right? Jin asked him, Where are you from? Chi Zhao: I’m from the future. Can you believe it? The original through the magic ability is brought by thousands of Zhao, is to see a picture of his time has not seen, thousands of Zhao said he will go back, will not come back, at the moment of time is static, no one will know, wait for him to go back, attack medium they will not die, and really Qin cannot see him… True Qin is still in a trance, still retain, looking at thousands of Zhao leaving the figure gradually smaller, finally in the crowd finally looked at waving fingers, disappear… All at once, the streets were bustling with people as usual, the hours on the clock continued to change every second, and everything was as usual, while no one knew how sad and regretful Zhen in was… Sad Zhen in, looking at the empty table, no longer as lively as the old deer Jin Jin’s aunt, the teacher of the restoration of the old painting that Qi an Zhao wants to see, tells Jin that she too had a childhood story, but died in a quiet wait, and Jin is the kind of person who would run to pick up a date if he was late. ! True Qin lying on the bed in the bedroom depressed, inadvertently took a look at the arm, miraculously, the number became one, that is to say, thousands of Zhao back the time to adjust once. Jin rushed out of the house and ran… At the end of the film, Chiai meets Jin, lowers his head in her ear and says: I will wait for you in the future.

I like the screenwriter of this film very much, like the painting style, like the music at the end of the film, like the cicadas in the summer as the background to contrast everyone is very familiar with the young time, this animation like a movie, any cut can be sandwiching in the book as an illustration, science fiction and reality. Youth is youth, the heroine just use this young unique ability to do some adults seems very childish things. Maybe this is beautiful, I like the quiet atmosphere in the movie, the kind of delicate feelings, telling the time bit by bit, so precious. The timeweitsfornoone line appears a few times in the movie, as the heroine vaguely pronounces it, and it seems to reveal the theme, but when you actually go back in time, what would you want to change? All that has already happened, already exists in their own memory, has become a part of their own established, we change that to do what? And no matter how many times life will happened young regret! Perhaps that cannot be called young, that is the true portrayal of youth. The repetition of memory playback in the film is also very artistic conception. The picture changes with the mood of the characters. It is bright and easy green, but most of the time, for the sense of time and space, yellow and white shadows are created, so that people’s hearts can easily emerge the artistic conception of the youth. 17 years old high school students, not far from our age is not close, small feelings just hit the people who still have the heart of a girl.

I’ll wait for you in the future. This is what Chiaki says to Makoto at the end. Can time and space go back and forth like waiting for a bus? To one place, to another, to wait or to flee, whether the two lovers are from an unknown past or future, in the suspense of youth, who knows?

Like Jean, running to the past, someone waiting for me in the future.


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